miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013

nordic something

in traducere din finlandeza, tipa spune ceva de genul :

I have grown to the stone
in the walls of this cell
Clouds behind the bars, on their way home

I'm a smoked cigarette
frayed covering
And if I someday get out of here, do you still know me?

If I would have a heart, I would miss you
I rip it out because I know, it doesn't need me
If I would have a heart, I would scream out for you
If I would have a heart, I would die here

I have grown to discipline
Changed my name to a number
Behind that sky another
Days decay

I am a chair of a canteen
Broken end of an eaves
Eyes are bleading of emptyness
Do you hear anymore?

If I would have a heart, I would miss you
I rip it out because I know, it doesn't need me
If I would have a heart, I would scream out for you
If I would have a heart, I would die here

If I would have a heart, I would miss you
I rip it out because I know, it doesn't need me
If I would have a heart, I would scream out for you
If I would have a heart, I would die here

luni, 1 aprilie 2013

quote yourself

citate din ultimele 2 saptamani:

`Faceti si voi niste fatade gen Escher asa. Noi: gen  cine ???`  / munca

`Bai dar daca tipa aia a luat-o pe acolo noi nu putem ? /  din ciclu incerci pana iese - predeal subtelescaun unde se holbeaza toti la tine si daca nu ai skill saruti pamantul.

` Am fost in padure si am intrat intr un copac ` eu

`Ce faina e muzica asta`. Da stiu am fost la concert eram rupt de somn si li s-au stricat platanele.
